On and off for the past week, I've been working behind the scenes to make password retrieval easier for those members who forget theirs or don't log in regularly ...cuz I get a LOT of emails about forgot passwords... and also to try to remove myself from the process... and I finally figured it out!! Woo Hoo!
Previously, a user would have to email me and I would reset it for them....
Now however, if you forget your password, all you need to do is retrieve it yourself!
YAY!! *happy dance*
Type in your user name, no password, choose Lost Account Info?, scroll down if necessary, and you will see this screen:
Enter your User Name, choose Account Information, and type in the Verification Code, submit! And you are now logged in. I would strongly suggest at that point that you Edit Profile and change your password to something you will more easily remember.
So there you go! Something new for everyone to play with! lol.
Please note: As always, our moderators and site admin can NEVER see your passwords nor access your accounts without your permission, unless we needed to ask Sparklit to override security for legal reasons ie. severe violations of TOS.
We can however test site security when making changes, as we did this past week. This may have generated 1 -3 Password Reminder emails to you in the past week, as I added and removed, added and removed, and tested this new feature.
I should also add that no one else can enter your username and captcha access into your account.... cuz I tested it on 3 accounts of personal friends last week and again last night and no access was granted. It must be tied to your IP, as a secondary security measure, but I'm not 100% on that... still waiting for more details from Sparklit tech dude. Regardless, everything came up nice and tight. YAY!
(PS. Gable, Thanks for calming me down last night while I was running around like a bunch of Chicken Littles yelling The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling! I get a bit freaked after previously being blamed elsewhere for things I can't even do.) lol. ...but not in a weird way or anything obsessive...that would be SummerLeigh. lol.
-- Edited by Hobbit Hollow Games on Tuesday 28th of April 2009 07:35:12 PM
I think I should have named this thread: Things I Do Not Know About Activeboard. lol.
So I'm sure you all get that I've been playing around behind the scenes working on making the site better a teeny tiny bit at a time....
First, I found out that by installing, uninstalling, and installing Password Reminder I was sending everyone Password Reminders over and over to their email in April. lol. (sorry) :P
Then yesterday, I was roaming around and saw a new feature for admins that tells you when someone's account has gone inactive for a certain amount of time, and I hit a button to what I thought would reactivate them so that their accounts wouldn't be deleted by the forum gods that are still unknown to us...and it sent everyone on that list a new registration confirmation. lol. *Must talk to Activeboard about providing instructions and This Is What Will Happen If You Hit This Button notes when they give us cool new tools.*
God. Help. Me.
*goes to hit more buttons to see what havoc I can wreak*