Hi, Pamela! Glad you decided to join us here. Hope to see more of you in the forums. I'm a time management gamer mostly. But love to chat and make new online friends.
Hi Pamela and welcome to The Hollow. We have a lot of fun around here and I'm glad you decided to join. Jump in whenever you're ready and I hope to see you around.
Good to see you here, Pamela. Hope you enjoy yourself! It's a good group, I'm sure you'll have fun. // I have Sim City but haven't played it yet. Am looking forward to it. How is Sims1? Have you been playing long? The only sims type game I've played is an old one called Creatures. // Hope to see you around!
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves -- for they shall never cease to be amused.
Welcome to the Hollows. You will really enjoy yourself here. I love TM games , and sometimes HOG but not to keen on them lol I just play them when Im bored lol.