Is this the right forum for asking for help on a game?
I know that dress shop hop has been around forever, but I started playing it and need help getting expert on Milan level 4, that's the only level I need to get the expert medal. I can't figure out what to do with the blond ladies that change the colors on the analyzers...they are messing up my color chains.
Thanks for any advice you might have.
-- Edited by Hobbit Hollow Games at 15:08, 2009-01-18
Hi, mv! I have the expert medal on that game but I've uninnstalled it from my computer. I remember that being a very tough level and I think i helped LB with it in the PF forum for Dress Shop Hop. Wait as long as you can to put the lady on the analyzer making as many matches as you can. I think I tried to save one analyzer just for her and kept reusing it over and over. That way you can get the max color chain bonuses on the other ones. I had to replay this level quite a few times to get it, and my score was just slightly higher than needed for expert. Keep trying, i know you can do it!!!
I have expert on that level also. I will try to go back and play it today and see if I can replicate how I did it. If I can, I will come back and tell you.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you cannot play with it or eat it, just pee on it and walk away.
I finally got expert on Milan 4. I switched to the windowed option and it went sssssooooooooo slowwwwwwww! It took almost 30 mins. to get through the level, but for some reason it worked. I ended up with over 11,000 pts, the expert is 8300, and the best I had gotten before was 7568. Whew! After I submited my medals and scores, I deleted that "bad boy".
thanks Pinky...I just don't get it, why going sooooooooooo slow would do it, other than the clicking is more accurate...I didn't make as many mistakes on the accessories. The clicks seemed to stick better.
Ya know, Ben, I've heard others say that but it wasn't nearly as bad as Fashion Dash, UGH!!! I bought it at a special price which ended up being about $7.50 but it wasn't even worth that. Got to the third level and deleted that sucka! lol.
I am glad you got it! I have been trying every day to repeat my export score on that level and for some reason I cannot do it. I can barely make score on that level. Sorry I was of no help!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you cannot play with it or eat it, just pee on it and walk away.
I've never deleted any games I've purchased. Free ones, yes....somehow I feel guilty, even if it just sits on my desktop taking up space. Plus what if I want to play it again someday? I mean, yeah, I can reinstall, but....its like a PF friend....I dont want to say goodbye.
I'm also a sucker for crying at sad movies...hell, I've cried over a sad commercial before. lol....doesnt that SPCA one just kill ya?