Wanted to say hello to all here -- I see a lot of familiar faces (well, sortof faces - (smile) here. What a nice site! I'm glad to be here and happy to make new friends, as well.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves -- for they shall never cease to be amused.
I'm so happy to see you here. I hope you'll have a great time (I'm sure you'll have).
Je te vole une plume, pour écrire une rime, au clair de la lune, mon amie l'idylle, mon âme ideale, à la larme fatale, ma folie, mon envie, ma lubie, mon idylle, divine idylle.
Hi cruzer! I don't really look at the other forums often anymore, so it's always nice to see familiar PF posters here :) Welcome and see you around the forums!
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! Great place to hang out, I must say. So nice to see you all here.
Appreciate your asking about my shoulder, SarahIsabella. Doing physical therapy now. Doctor says I can go back to work next week, which I am somewhat looking forward to; physical therapist says I'm not ready; I'm nervous about driving -- altho' my husband insists I can drive and park (!) with one hand. Whoo boy. We'll see. I still need aid getting dressed, etc. -- but on a plus note, I am typing with both hands, albeit slowly.
Said hello to a bunch of you in Gable's thread, but also wanted to make sure I say "hey" to Mizzmm! Nice to see that you're here too!
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves -- for they shall never cease to be amused.