I love a good RPG and while there are not many in the causal market, I have found a ton of homemade free to play ones! I'll post some of my favorites, feel free to add to the list :)
Lost Leagacy an Animania Story Great mature story line that plays with a side viewed, turn based battle system and has voiced battles. About 30hrs worth of gameplay. A sequal is currently being developed.
Threshold In the same universe as Lost Legacy with some of the same characters and plenty of new ones. Also has an excellent, deep mature story line. About 50 hrs worth of gameplay.
Quintessence The Blighted Venom More of a visual novel type game with a great story, chapters 1-10 are available with 11 currently in production. Aprox 13 hrs long so far.
The Mirror Lied A short game with no real definite story, it will mess with your head! About 15-20 min long.
Forlorn Manor Active based game play and has some interesting puzzles! About 2-3 hrs long
Outlaw City Also has fast, active based game play with an interesting story and the ability to change the difficulty at any point in the game. Still playing it so I don't know how long it is, there is also a completed sequal that I will most likely try next.
-- Edited by Xchain on Sunday 7th of June 2009 09:48:29 AM
Sunset over Imadhl No real battles in this one, just puzzle/quest solving and some mini games. The story is has a few holes in it, but the concept and gameplay is enjoyable. About an hour or 2 long.
Court Intrigue Cute little story, also no real battles, just puzzles/quests. 7 different endings, about 15-20 min long each play through.
Do you remember my Lullaby? This one is a non interactive short story with a small unlockable Quintessance game at the end. Doesn't really count as an RPG, but thought I would add it anyways because it was beautifully done and the story stuck with me. About 25 min long
-- Edited by Xchain on Sunday 7th of June 2009 10:03:59 AM