Hi Mcgirl and welcome to The Hollow. I'm glad you finally made it over and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. There's one week left in the Turbo Subs Challenge and 11 days left in the Doggy Dash challenge. Feel free to jump in to either one or both, whatever you like. Make yourself at home and we hope to see you around.
Hi, mcgirl!! Happy to see you found us. It's a great site with lots of fun people, posts, and challenges. Hope you have loads of fun like we do, and hope to see you around the forums or in the chat box!
Welcome to Hobbit Hollow, McGirl! Glad to have you here. Hope to see you around the place. The challenges are a lot of fun... you'll meet a lot of nice folks here.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves -- for they shall never cease to be amused.