Suzy was kind enough to answer a few questions after being crowned Wandering Willows Champion.
How long have you been playing video games?
a. I started playing video games back in the 70's at the bar. Games like Pong and Breakout. Then I graduated to the Atari 2600 and Missile Command and Centipede. Does that date me horribly? I bought a Nintendo and the rest is history. My family owns a PS2, PS3, WII, Xbox 360, PSP, Nintendo DS, and of course my PCs.
What is your favorite game?
a. My favorite game of all is Diner Dash: Hometown Hero Gourmet. It's what brought me to PF and now here.
What other types of games do you enjoy?
a. I enjoy HOGS (Don, you didn't here me say that!) Mostly the interactive ones like Mortimer Beckett, some Match 3's, Simulation, BAL and some Tycoon games. I am looking forward to Ice Cream Craze: Tycoon Takeover next month.
What's the worst game you ever played?
a. I admit it, I can't stand any game that is side scrolling on a PC. I have an aversion to arrow keys. Other than that, there have been some truly bad ones lately but I have tried to put them out of my mind! lol
What game got you 'hooked' on video games?
a. Mario Bros. 3. I just love that little plumber! I also had a love affair with that little "Donkey" Yoshi. (I called him that when he made me mad!)
What was the most difficult part of Wandering Willows for you?
a. I guess I would have to say the part after all the task were done! But having taken the advice of others and learning to Save and Quit, I didn't spend a lot of time charming!
What task(s) did you enjoy the most?
a. This game reminded me so much of Animal Crossing. I really enjoyed getting things for all of the people but I especially enjoyed seeing the results of my labors, such as JJ's fireworks and the benefits they garnered.
Do you have any general tips for the game?
a. Like any game of this type, patience is required. As we found out here, asking questions is your best strategy.