Adventure waits in a mysterious, abandoned world, overrun with living pollution. Charming creatures known as Fauna have survived in this beautiful yet inhospitable environment. You can help them build a new, clean world for themselves: become a Caretaker!
As a Caretaker, you adopt Fauna and guide them to attend to their needs. Build them customized dens and discover their favorite foods. Keep them happy and energetic, and they'll help you destroy the pollution and remake the world.
Together, you and your Fauna can help this lost world recover. You can even build your own corner of the world that's exactly as you want it to be.
Along the way...
Explore the wilderness
Strange lands and exotic locales await discovery. Explore far-flung corners to find hidden treasures and the ingredients for exotic foods that your Fauna will love.
Make your mark on the world
Build a space for your Fauna called a Faunasphere. Customize it to look how you want and make your Fauna comfy and happy. Then, breed your Fauna to customize them too.
Build a better world — together
Join forces with other Caretakers and their Fauna to fight pollution, explore, trade ideas and resources, and contribute to community projects. Many paws make work light and fun.
Welcome to Faunasphere. It's a big world. Currently in beta testing from BFG.
Hi, I'm Amelia. I'm delighted that you're interested in becoming a Caretaker. I'm sure we have a Fauna here for you. Let's check our species roster.
Every Fauna species has a unique personality. Each also has a set of unique quirks. Choose from one of these 3 basic Fauna to get started.
Small but hardy, the pokey Scooters can dive into water and pick up items just under the surface.
With their keen sense of smell, these dog-like Fauna can sniff out buried treasure and lift rocks covering it.
The sure-footed Hoofers use their powerful kicks to shake down items that are lodged in the tops of trees.
There are 12 known species of Fauna. You'll need to explore if you want to meet all of them. If you're lucky, you might even hatch one. As your Fauna explores the world, it'll eventually be ready to lay an egg. Trade eggs with another player or hatch them with one of your own Fauna. The genes of the parent and the genes of the Fauna that hatches the egg will combine.
Newly hatched Fauna don't always resemble their parents. You could hatch a Fauna with a new and exciting look. You can also buy special gene food to transform your Fauna from ordinary to extraordinary in one bite.
Fauna feel most at home in their Faunaspheres. But Fauna also love to explore the wide world and discover new lands and treasures. Items that make them most happy are often found far, far from home.
Use the map to navigate from familiar territories to the far-flung corners of the world. Here are some of the locales you might visit.
The Rock Garden
All adventures begin here. This peaceful place is an ideal spot for meeting other Fauna and their Caretakers. You can also buy and sell items on the marketplace or visit a Goal Station. Stay awhile and see who's here.
Forest zones
These temperate and lush areas are accessible from the Rock Garden. Uncover new foods and treasures as you climb the Tribal Ruins and explore the Forest Amphitheater. Nothing can hurt you. Feel free to play around.
Arctic zones
From the edge of the forest zones, trek up the frigid slope of the Avalanche to the subzero arctic lands. In these icy locales, watch for the remains of an ancient civilization.
Swamp zones
Leave the arctic via the scorching Whalebone Isthmus and you'll find these remote and desolate lands. Navigation can be treacherous in the bogs, but rare treasure and happiness items may be found here.
Watch out for Pollution as you explore. Clean up this garbage and gunk to earn treasure and rewards. Look hard enough and you may pin down the filthy culprit!
I am very interested in this game and look forward to its release. Looks like a sims-type game, which I enjoy, but might appeal, too, to the Wandering Willows crowd!
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves -- for they shall never cease to be amused.
I finally got my invitation for this beta yesterday. And I'm sooooooo loving it. And just happened to run into SuzyQ there. All the Caretakers are so nice and helpful. I'm hooked for sure!!! :)
I have been playing for the last month or so! I have a blast. my animals are varied and as Pinky say the goals are fun and help to further you in the game.
You make a home for your animals (Fauna) and you have to build dens for them to rest at. Discover which food they like best and help them grow from babyhood to adulthood.
There are Community Projects in the Garden Hub and The Frozen Village Hub. Go to your friends home and but their commodities to fulfill the needs of the Projects. There are raffles and awards for your donations. Some of them are quite beautiful. Mostly decorations for your Home.
Go to the homepage for the game and sign up now to be put on the waiting list. Wait for your invite and then come join the fun!
If life throws a brick wall in your way, knock it down and walk the path it makes. You will always succeed!
For those of you that have received invites in the last day or so, the reason that you have not been able to get into the game, is: There was a fire in the building where the servers are housed and the power is down. They are working diligently to move them to another location, so they will become functional again, and we can all not have massive withdrawal!. Keep trying or join Pinky1130 and I on Twitter to get more to the minute updates on the restoration progress
If life throws a brick wall in your way, knock it down and walk the path it makes. You will always succeed!
okay I will receive mine soon....Tell me something tho' this isn't like Virtual Villagers where if I leave them for awhile they die?? Please say no because I just don't have alot of comp time lately
May your troubles be less,may your blessings be more,and may nothing but happiness come through your door
The hobbit is my favorite movie with all the parts of it that are on the history of the mountain and dwarfs. This game is related on that movie story and the rush paper is also talked about on that hobbit movie at its third part.
-- Edited by Annabelleay on Sunday 29th of April 2018 06:21:52 AM
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Wow, Faunasphere sounds like an amazing adventure! I love games where you get to nurture and customize your own world. If you're looking for that extra edge to stay focused and energized during those long gaming sessions, I highly recommend checking out HGH supplements. I've been using them from and they've really helped me maintain my stamina and concentration. Can't wait to dive into Faunasphere and build my own little corner of paradise!