Eliminate ear mites. All it takes is a few drops of Wesson Corn Oil in your cat's or dog's ear... massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers the mites, and accelerates healing. Kills fleas instantly...Dawn Dish washing Liquid does the trick.Add a few drops to your dog's bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations.Good-bye fleas.
Rainy day cure for dog odor: Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantly making your dog smell springtime fresh.
-- Edited by gable875 at 07:22, 2009-03-10
May your troubles be less,may your blessings be more,and may nothing but happiness come through your door