I was wondering where all the "seasoned" players disappeared to. May I join you?? I have a question about the avatars, how do I get one?? Is it possible to post my own? I'm tired of being the old grey haired diner dash person.
lol. Sorry, we thought you knew we all ran over here! lol.
Yes, go up to the General Knowledge forum, there is a post all about avatars. You can click on your own name and add avatars in our library or upload your own.....
btw, Gable is also gray haired so you arent the only one....I on the other hand still have my youthful appearance even though Gable is younger than me! w00t! lol.
Hey, mv! How great to see you here! Glad you made it! Wish I could help you with the avatar, but I'm challenged in that area too! Hope to see lots of you here.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves -- for they shall never cease to be amused.
Hi mv, welcome! Before you Can you see the avatar you uploaded, but can't get it to stay? If so, make sure you click on it with the mouse, the box around it will turn blue. Underneath there should be a button that says select avatar, hit that and it should be there.
Hi mv, welcome! Before you Can you see the avatar you uploaded, but can't get it to stay? If so, make sure you click on it with the mouse, the box around it will turn blue. Underneath there should be a button that says select avatar, hit that and it should be there.