A little birdy (named David) told me about this wonderful site run by some wonderful people so I wanted to come by and lend my support. Some of you know me as the Purple Peeper on another site and some of you know me as MargieBc on another site.
Latte and Gable you guys have a great place here and I know with your guidance you will do very well here.
here's the bird *hugs* A warm welcome for the wonderful Margie!
Je te vole une plume, pour écrire une rime, au clair de la lune, mon amie l'idylle, mon âme ideale, à la larme fatale, ma folie, mon envie, ma lubie, mon idylle, divine idylle.
Hey Guys, Thanks so much for the warm welcome!! it's very kind of you all. I know this site will do great things since you already have such a nice bunch here already