Flo, Grandma, and Bookworm Bernie continue their adventures in the world of fairytales! Through the Cooking Glass, based on the beloved novels of Lewis Carroll, features Grandma Hatter presiding over a fantastical yet familiar tea party. She tells Flo that the only way home from Wonderworld involves the purchase of a very expensive magic bean. How will Flo get out of this rabbit hole?
LOL. That was us being retarded Summer. Sorry about that. We'll figure out this whatchamacallit one of these days! The link is working now. All images are also usually linked to the site....again, unless someone around here *looks around* is retarded and can't copy and paste correctly. lol.
Yeah, DB, it really is adorable! I love the little card guards and all that. I only played the trial.
Aww, thanks Pinky! ((((BIG HUGS)))) I really appreciate that. I thought this DDHH add on was soooo cute! I was glad to see the addition of two new characters and major changes to some of the old ones. Really a fun game and so different. I kind of thought it would be dorky with the Alice In Wonderland theme, but I think its really fun.
Okay, now, I'm totally confused. I tried to download the trial Through Looking Glass Cafe thingee right here, logged in and everything when it told me to, and I was taken straight to the Safari cafe. Am I losing my mind, or did someone take it from me? If someone took it, please don't throw it away -- I really do need it back, even if it is empty! Woe is me.
Roni, when you log in it takes you to your DDHH game. Just use the arrows to find the page this new one is on. It's on the same page with the restaurant right before this one (1001 bites). There's a new arrow on main page of the game for these two. I logged into it from here and that's how it worked for me. I bought it too. It's sooooooo cute, and has a funny ending.